31 Mayıs 2020 Pazar

4..60v CONSTANT CURRENT for leds

4..60v CONSTANT CURRENT for leds
to keep the brightness the same bulbs that require constant voltage
unlike luminous diodes (LEDs) should be driven with constant current.
but the LEDs only voltage across a resistor
to a very changing resource  If they are connected, things get complicated.
At 5v supply voltage For 20 mA LED current
180 ohms to resist whereas at 24 V supply voltage
Must be 1.2 kohm (1w). that has value between the two
a resistance can be selected. but when the tension dropped at that time
The LED will become very dark, when it rises Enough to damage it from the LED
large current will flow. but as in the figure if a constant current binary is used
the situation will become simpler. Constant current with these elements
bilateral working voltage zone   It is 4 ... 60 v. throughout this region
I current constant and It is 13mA. total power spent in the circuit
Highest with 0.8w at 60v. reaches the value.

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